5 reasons why you need games as part of your learning and development blend.

What is it that games give us that traditional approaches don't?

We can break this down into two specific drivers; the benefits for learners and the benefits for the organisation;

1) We adopt improved problem-solving and strategic thinking - learning games require us to make fast and smart decisions. Games also require learners to utilise strategic thinking and logic-based problem-solving in order to complete tasks and challenges they are presented with in-game.

2) We understand actions have consequences - choices give us a sense of control and aid emotional connection to the tasks, characters and game world.

3) Games allow us to use expanded memory capacity - we use our working memory to solve problems, increasing mental cognition and ability to recall ‘experiential’ information later when required.

4) Games balance our ability to pay attention - game-based learning can actually help us to pay attention and focus. Games can be presented in a form factor that doesn’t feel like traditional learning. Playing games also requires learners to pay great attention to detail. As games can move quickly, when playing a game, a learner needs to be alert and attentive.

5) Our experience is personal - with branching games are the opposite of linear experiences. We create our own story. We follow the paths that are of most interest to us. Games can challenge our strength and help us work on our weaknesses.

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