What you need to know about effectively developing and relaying content to a diverse audiences

The secret to effectively developing and relaying content to a diverse set of audiences is to first understand different user requirements.

A few examples:

  • How do different users engage with the content? 

  • What types of content do different users need? 

  • How long do different types of users engage with content for?

This may lead to information such as someone in training may require a more in depth guide of a process or requiring a more experiential experience to learn through repetition, whereas someone more experienced may require a more high-level reminder of the process.

Whilst there will always be individual outliers creating exceptions to the broader rules, you can generally count on most users within a certain category to behave in similar ways.

The result of this phase of feature and user design requirements gathering enables us to construct a number of user types and usage stories.

This is a critical exercise in terms of making sure the product is successful in terms of the delivery of the right content at the right time for all users, but allows us also to consider and respect the stakeholders requirements in terms of solution and business goals.