Project Management: Why playing our game can be a more beneficial route

Project Managers are in demand in the UK and around the world, more so now than ever. Training to be a Project Manager is not always straightforward as you either need to climb the ranks, do a degree in Management, get many many years of experience within one industry or sit through a conventional eLearning course. Granted, getting practical experience is vital and this should be something anyone who wants to pursue a career in Project Management does as the theory side of things won’t teach you everything.

But have you considered an alternative way to learn about Project Management and develop the necessary soft skills for the job? We have at Totem Learning. Our serious games, notably Unlock: Project Management, have done incredibly well at teaching people these skills in an engaging and beneficial way. We trialled the game at the University of Liverpool within a Msc class studying Programming with Management. The result were phenomenal and the pass rate rose to 100% as a direct result of using this game. It is one of our best-selling games and it has proven to also generate ROI which is something all companies are desperate for. If you’re going to invest in any software to develop the skills of employees or help them with their own ambitions, practical training partnered with our Unlock: Project Management game is the way to go!

Serious Games are a whole new innovative way of learning and developing skills. Totem Learning are all about creating bespoke games tailored to meet your organisation’s demands and produce the most effective result. Our agile management system means everyone on the project is always informed and feedback is constantly encouraged so that the client walks away with something they are more than happy with. Using serious games as a way to teach professional skills is being done more and more simply because of ease of access, it is a fun way to learn and it is cost effective. Having a game that provides an interactive scenario-based activity at each level means that players remain focused and happy throughout.

The industry is a growing one and Totem Learning are at the forefront of serious games development and our games have won many awards. We are a finalist for the Lloyds Digital Business of the Year Award 2018 too as well as winners of Coventry Telegraph Awards 2017 for Business. We work with clients around the world and our Unlock: Project Management game is set to be trialled in 23 countries. These are only a few of the reasons why Totem Learning’s Unlock: Project Management game is the one to get all your employees trained in. The entire concept is to ‘unlock’ potential and develop and individual so that a company can become innovative which is something needed in the UK judging by the stats (read more).

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